Free Returns & Refunds

This refund policy is for product orders (excluding services) made directly on For product orders made on 3rd party platforms like Amazon, they are subject to the refund policies of the 3rd party platform.

30-day free returns and refunds
Our standard return policy is in accordance with the Australian Consumer Law (ACL), which declares the customer is entitled to request a refund or replacement for a product which has faults or a major problem covered by consumer guarantees. For more information, refer state government guidelines here.

If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase from Blossome, contact us to request a full refund within 30 days of receiving your order – no catches or exceptions!

If you're due to receive a refund, please note that it can take some time for your bank or credit card company to process and post the refund.

To request a refund, please contact us at


Damages and issues
Please inspect your order once received and contact us immediately if the item is defective, damaged or if you have received the wrong item. We are happy to assist to amend any issues that occur.

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